Friday, May 15, 2009

As Shallow As It Gets

So, Ms Prejean, Miss California, seems to have been barred from the Miss America title because she expressed her opinion on gay marriage. Already this is a non-event, an irrelevant bit of fluff.

But where there is the hint of scandal, some will stir it up. So it came to be that some worried that Ms Prejean shouldn't be allowed to keep her Miss California title and crown.

Step in Donald Trump. He studied the issue, and decided that her opinion was worthwhile, and even called a press conference to announce his decision. And what did he base his decision on? Her "great beauty." Yes, that's right. Those were his words. He effectively stated that ugly people weren't worthy of having opinions.

Forget the specious reasoning. Forget the vapidity of the pageant. Forget Trump's good past judgment of women.

Just savor the irony.

He thinks that only attractive people should be allowed to have opinions. But by that standard, the ogreish Trump shouldn't be allowed to speak. How ironic.