Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Soul Reason

A friend of mine recently had a miscarriage. She is fine, but it just reinforces how wrongheaded the ultra-right conservatives are who think that life begins at conception.

If that was a separate life, not just a preterm fetus, then my friend's body is responsible for ending its life. That would make her guilty of murder, no? Or at least manslaughter. Yet no reasonable person would charge a woman that miscarries with that.

The argument that life begins at conception because god ensouls the two cells also falls apart with miscarriage. If god is all-knowing, why would he bother if the baby isn't going to be born? Or go the other way: what about when twins happen? Do they each get half a soul? Or did god play it safe and pack extras? What if god puts two souls in for twins, then it aborts? My friend could be charged with mass murder.