Friday, November 28, 2014

Burning Stupidity

So, after a grand jury declined to charge an officer in the shooting death of a Ferguson, MO youth, the mindless hordes did the only thing reasonable to achieve justice: they burned down a dollar store, then went to a neighboring town and burned down a craft store. What idiots. Yes, I understand that there is frustration at long-term problems. Yes, the officer was white and the youth was an unarmed black teen. There are hot-button issues at play here, or are being exaggerated by some for prestige or attention. So what. The mindless thugs claim they want 'justice,' then demand that a pre-determined answer be given. They demand justice, then refuse to let the justice system work. A grand jury is supposed to have more information than is used or presented in a trial. They decided that there wasn't enough firm evidence to justify a trial. By definition, they are better informed than you are. Respect their decision. It isn't simply a matter of white cop/dead black teen. Witnesses gave differing stories as to what they saw. I don't know exactly what happened, and neither to they ones screaming for a specific outcome. Apparently the jury didn't feel they were 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' What I find most baffling and abhorrent is the mob's reaction. Burning cop cars? Not a good idea, but I can understand the connection. Burning down an innocent store? That's just stupid. Another complaint by the mob leaders is that the police treat them like animals. With this mindless violence, is there any question why they might see you that way? There is an irony at play here as well. The mob keeps demanding 'justice,' then circumvent the justice system. They are effective acting like a lynch mob, which should give them pause. Or maybe they are just too stupid.

Friday, November 21, 2014


I might be dead. I think I'm not, but with apologies to Rene Descarte, what do I know? I started this blog as an anonymous way to post various ramblings, observations, and rants about life. It worked splendidly. The anonymous part, any way. When life got too busy to regularly post, I was a little concerned about the effect it would have. I was right. The most disturbing thing of all happened... nothing. Nobody called, nobody questioned, nobody worried. For all anybody knew, I was dead. And maybe I am.