Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bred In The Bone

I was recently involved in a conversation over at The Plaid Sheep (http://theplaidsheep.blogspot.com/) about whether or not our essence is immutable or variable.

One person suggested that while events may layer, or reveal aspects, of ourselves, the fundamentals don't actually change.

I disagree.

This started because of one of those lists with an admonition to 'be yourself.' That isn't a bad thing, but I pointed out that it was nearly impossible. I have different public faces for different situations. I have different moods. If I am to grow, I take each experience and add it to my body of knowledge. (And the only reason for doing that is to alter my future self, presumably for the better).

As we grow, we change. I hope I'm not still the awkward, irrelevant, obsessive teenager with insecurity and pretensions (oops- I just looked at the name of my blog). While some octogenarians have the enthusiasm of youth, not many of them do.

There are also medical situations that change you. Brain trauma is a notable one (Phinneas Gage is just the most noted example). Various disease and tumors and change personalities.

It is also possible for people to have an epiphany (think Scrooge), particularly after a near-death experience.

So while it is admirable to be honest and true to yourself, don't expect that to mean the same thing every time.

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