Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seeing a pattern

I'm actually feeling a bit sorry for the Republicans lately. All their chickens are coming back and biting them in their ass.

Bobby Jindahl scoffed that part of the budget included volcano monitoring. Within weeks, a volcano was erupting in Alaska. And, being from Louisiana, Mr Jindahl should be aware of the benefit of knowing about natural disasters.

Republicans stripped hundreds of millions of dollars that would have gone towards disease prevention from the stimulus package. Within weeks, swine flu was killing people in Mexico, and has currently been confirmed in half a dozen states.

Has the Republican name become a toxic asset in need of a bailout? It seems so. Consider Jim Jeffords, Lincoln Chaffee, and now Arlen Spector. All changed their affiliation away from that big R.

They had a common complaint: they didn't leave the party, the party left them.

I wonder if they can survive.

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