Thursday, March 24, 2011

Petulant Peacocks

I’ve noticed that I get the same feeling watching Kitchen Nightmares as I do watching House. As I watch these two pissants strutting about, I don’t think ‘what high standards!’ I think ‘what jerks!’

Both people (even though one is fictional) yell, threaten, bully, insult, and act as though they are the chosen one. Both have loyal, rabid fans.

Those fans are mostly female for both shows. I keep trying to make something of that statistic, but I can’t decide what it means. Do men have such strong egos that they are resistant to watching someone else’s? Are women so programmed to desire authority that they think think this is just robust alpha-male behavior? Is watching these programs equivalent to staying in an abusive relationship?

I read a study that examined why women stay with violent, dangerous, motorcycle gang types. The women reported that they felt that they would be protected there. Is this just a sanitized version of that?

I also wonder if part of my distaste is simple jealousy. Who wouldn’t want want to act like a spoiled child, not be concerned with other people, not be careful about phrasing things well or pissing off somebody in authority, and still be hailed as a saviour? That part is just as galling to me: that the people are so thankful that they were treated so poorly. It isn’t tough love; there is no love involved. Merely a small ego that wishes it were big.

That’s what Dr Phil (another obnoxious blowhard) would say. People that yell at the slightest provocation, feel the need to belittle others, don’t allow others to have dissenting opinions, instantly insult, and sulk when they don’t get their way know that they are unimportant and are trying to make themselves look important.

I think they just look sad.

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